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Award-winning author and strategic foresight consultant Simon J. Anderson will share his research and insights on the future of construction and residential construction products

Award-winning author and strategic foresight consultant Simon J. Anderson shared his research and insights at events in four cities and four industries this month.

Award-winning author and international futurist Simon J. Anderson will be in Florida on April 5th to share his insights with Carrier and Bryant Factory Authorized Dealers

Futurist Speaker Simon J. Anderson gave the closing keynote in Seattle yesterday at EMBAC 2017

Futurist speaker and consultant Simon J. Anderson to join fellow speakers Sen. Angus King and Rana Foroohar, author and global business columnist, at the "Transformation of a Region," event in Eastern Maine on Oct 16th. He will address business and education leaders on the trends and technologies transforming their region, and how they can spot the opportunities these changes create.

Speaker Simon J. Anderson will present a session on the future of trucking on the opening day of the in.sight User Conference + Expo in Nashville today. Shark Tank's Robert Herjavec will give the closing keynote on Wednesday.